Monday, October 6, 2008

Manic Monday

Even though I work most weekends (so I don't traditionally have a "weekend") there is just something about Mondays. I guess you can say I got a case of the "muundays"! Haha. Monday at work is always lame. It is ad Monday so when I go in I have a zillion of tags to hang. It is actually a very simply task just tedious and lame dash o.
So here is to a start of a GREAT week!
Hope everyone has a great week and it goes by fast so you all can get to your real weekend!
Although now that I think about it, I have Tuesday and Wednesday off so technically today is my Friday! WOO HOO! TGIM! That is a good way to get rid of the Monday BlueS!


1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Alright!! Here's to weekends whenever they are during the week!